Tim and I decided that we'd sign the boys up for swimming lessons to get them in the right mode for Summer. Jack is not fond of the water. Imagine bathing a cat...that's kind of what Tim deals with at bath time at our house. He can't stand water getting into his eyes and ears so I have no clue what he's going to be like in a swimming pool. Mason doesn't seem to mind the water one way or the other.
The boys have always had fun in our kiddie pool, but now that they are getting older, they are showing more and more interest in the Water Park that is within walking distance of the house. I want them to enjoy the water and learn how to swim, so this is our first step.

Every Saturday, from 11:00 - 11:30 starting in June running through the end of July, we'll be heading over to our local indoor pool for Parent & Child swim class. The boys seem interested and very excited about it but the truth will come out on day #1 when they realize what it's all about. Hopefully, it will be FUN that we are doing it as a family and we will get the results that I am hoping for - two FISH that we can't get out of the water!
Check back to see what happens - our first lesson is 6/7!!!
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