We had a pretty busy weekend this past weekend. Tim and I had the hairbrained idea to take the boys to a PBS Arthur's Picnic in the Park at Forest Park Saturday. We were so excited for the boys to meet Clifford the Dog, Arthur, Curious George and the Sesame Street Characters! We piled in the car and headed out. We got there, parked the car and made the trek up to Central Field where all the fun was located. Only to find that every other parent w/ children in St. Louis City AND St. Louis County decided that they'd go to!

Oh My God! It was wall to wall people and the lines to meet the characters had to have been 2 hours long!!! You couldn't do ANYTHING without waiting in line! The bounce houses, the character meet & greets, EVERYTHING had lines! Tim and I shook our heads and said "Nope!" There was just no way the boys would stand for waiting in lines that long. So, we bought our hotdogs for lunch ($13 lunch for 4 dogs and 2 chips), sat at a picnic table, had our picnic lunch and headed back to the car. Oh well....better luck next time.
Once we FINALLY made it out of Forest Park (due to all the traffic) the boys didn't want to go home so we decided that we'd go to
Longview Farm Park (aka "Horse Park)to play for a bit. One of our favorite parks, the boys played on the climber, hit the swings for awhile and then became fascinated by the "balls" on the ground that had fallen off of a nearby tree. They spent the next 15 minutes collecting all of the "balls" that they could find and made a giant pile, like two little squirrels preparing for the winter.

Sunday was forecasted to be another beautiful day so Tim and decided that an "adventure" was in order for our morning activity. Once we coaxed the boys into getting dressed we herded ourselves out of the house, piled into the car and headed to the
WF&P Railroad for a ride on the train. The whole way there we heard "Mommy, Daddy where are we going?", "Are we there yet?", "When will we be there?", "What are we going to do?". And our response was "We don't know. We'll just have to wait and see! It's a surprise!".
We arrived at the train, Tim paid our fee/donation, and we hopped on to the train for our ride along the tracks. The boys weren't too sure about it at first but then I think the memory of
last years ride came back and they enjoyed themselves. So much to the point that Mason didn't want to get off when we were finished. It was a great ride!!! We'll definately be back next year!

So that's it! Our weekend in a nutshell. Tim and I are trying to take advantage of the nice Fall weather that we're beginning to have here in St. Louis while we can. Pretty soon we'll be looking for things that we can do indoors because the weather will be colder. But until then, we've got lots of things to do on the weekends. The Zoo, visit to the pumpking patch, LOTS of playing at the park and just good old fun! What more can we ask for?