I was an art major in college. And while I walked away from the Fine Arts Program at T.U. to pursue a degree in Teaching, I still like to dabble now and then and be creative when I can. We think that Jack inherited my artistic abilities. He is amazing us with the drawings that he does almost every day. I don't know how I am going to decide which to save and which to *gasp* throw away recycle.

(My favorite!)
Frogs & Flies
(Mommy drew two to show him how)
Oh Libby! Those are fabulous. I would save them, keep collecting and turn it into a laminated/bound book! That is amazing :O)
If that's a pic of Tim when he went skydiving?? Then that's my fav! Save all of them! Truly...Dan's grandmother did that with all of the kids and we all sat around last fall and looked at the letters, report cards, pictures, stories...It was wonderful to see that part of Dan and his siblings...Made them more 'human''' Is that possible?? ooops! Did I say that?? xo
WOW! I am impressed. The lion one is my favorite, too. Save them all! You can always throw them away later on.
Hi Libby,
I would say, save them too. My parents saved all my art work in a file then after I graduated college and was on my own they gave me the artwork for me to go through. It was amazing to see how I progressed growing up . And it is kind of funny I would then remember that moment in time of when I created the art work. I like what Amy suggested laminating it and then put in a binder to help preserve the art. I would also take pictures and put with the artwork. Make sure to date everything.
I hope you and the boys are doing well. I so miss teaching Mason and Jack.
Ms. Jeanne
Are you sure he is only 4 1/2? However, I was there when he was born, so I know. A budding talent who can take care of his grandmother when he is rich and famous :)
Get 2 giant plastic containers, put their names on them, and put all the "gems" away for the future.
They will get the biggest kick from looking at all the treasures when they are older. I am so glad I saved all the treasures from you, your sister and brother. They truly are priceless!!!!!!!!
Sadly Jack did not inherit my lack of drawing spiders - LOL!
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