This pretty much sums it up and was his reaction to EVERY present that he opened up and how our morning went...
But no, really, we had a truly amazing Christmas. Having two young children who just "ooze" Christmas out of every pore in their body makes it magical and special again for Tim and I. We started on Christmas Eve day by baking special cookies for Santa.....

And then we headed over to Hank & Tricia's for a little Christmas Eve celebration and to let the boys have a little time with their new cousin Sophie. As you can see....just like the rest of us, they LOVE her! (but can you not? Look at her!!!)

Christmas morning was special with the boys and Tim and I were so surprised at how controled and organized it was. Without any prompting, the boys would open a present, oooh and aaah over it and then set it aside, throw the wrapping paper away and then go get another to open. Only ONCE did we have a minor meltdown when Mason wanted to open one of Jack's presents. Santa delivered as requested....a "firetruck with a ladder that works" for Jack and a Scooter for Mason (those were their BIG requests). Santa also delivered a bowling set, more Geotrax for our trainset and probably my favorite present of all....... Mason's Superhero Cape and Mask! Now he and Jack can save the world TOGETHER!
Christmas evening we headed BACK to Hank, Tricia, & Sophie's for a little more "family time". Nothing too fancy, just easy food and fun with the kids playing with their presents. Once again, Miss Sophie was the center of attention and the focus of every camera in the house! What a truly Merry Christmas it was seeing Hank & Tricia with the precious daughter that they waited so patiently for - and in my eyes, she was worth the wait that's for sure!
Our holiday celebrations ended Friday night with a gathering over at the home of Mike & Sue Riley's (Tim's brother and Sister-in-Law) for what can only be referred to as the FASTEST GIFT EXCHANGE on record. I have never had so many presents handed to me in a 5 minute span of time! It was so much fun though and to cap it off the Christmas tree (which had to be about 10 feet tall) came crashing down TWO TIMES! Sue said now she can go buy the new ornaments that she wants to get (ha ha ha)!
So, from our house to yours - Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night! We hope yours was as Merry of one as ours was!
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