Over the past four and a half years, I have watched my husband and best friend turn into the most wonderful father in the world! From the minute that our first son was born it was automatic. His paternal insticts kicked in and he was right there to help and be a "hands-on Daddy". He is loving, caring, and so attentive to our children. He would walk through fire for them (and for me as well). I don't think that I thank him enough for what he does for us or tell him what a WONDERFUL father he is - I couldn't have asked for a better father to my children.
Happy Father's Day Honey!
To my OWN FATHER (or Pop as we call him), Happy Father's Day! I'm sorry that we can't be with you to celebrate but hope that you have a nice RELAXING day - no hard labor today okay!?!?!
Thank you for being a great Pop & my friend!
I love you! ~ Lizard
A very special Happy FIRST Father's Day to my brother Hank! I hope today is a VERY SPECIAL day for you! Enjoy it! You've earned it and Sophie is so lucky to have you as her Poppa!
And to all the other "Fathers" who are a part of my life - Happy Father's Day to you all too!
Have a great day!
DADS are special people
Dads are special people
No home should be without,
For every family will agree
They are a happy mixture
Of a 'SMALL BOY' and a 'MAN'
And they're very necessary
In every 'FAMILY PLAN'
Sometimes they're most demanding
And stern, and firm and tough
But underneath they're 'soft as silk'
For this is just a 'BLUFF'
But in any kind of trouble
Dad reaches out his hand.
And you can always count on him
To help and understand -
And while we do not praise Dad
as often as we should,
We love him and admire him,
And while that's understood,
It's only fair to emphasize
His importance and his worth -
For if there were no loving Dads
This would be a 'LOVELESS EARTH'.
~ Helen Steiner Rice ~
Love is a two way street--POP (Bear)
Happy Father's Day to all the wonderful men you speak about in your post!
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