Height - 33 1/2" (80th %)
Weight - 24 lbs 12.5 oz (35th %)
Here were his stats yesterday -
Height - 36" (85th %)
Weight - 27 lbs (40th %)
He's tall and skinny! And to put it into perspective a bit more....he is 3/4" SHORTER than Jack was at 3yrs! They are going to be sharing ALL their clothes pretty soon! They are in the same size shorts right now!
Other than that............nothing too earth shattering. We'll be keeping an eye/ear on his speach because of his tight frenulum. Tim and I think that his speach is not nearly as clear as Jack's was at 2yo but it's hard to tell. We'll be watching that for about 6 months and reevaluate with the Ped this fall to see if we need to do anything about it. His ears were clear, his lungs sounded wonderful so his asthma has been downgraded to mild/intermitent (which was nice to hear).
The pediatrician did also note the huge difference in the boys personalities too. She nailed it on the head that Jack is more laid back, reserved and emotional and Mason is more outgoing, active and physical.
Hey- I'll miss you! BTW- I was your SSTM book exchange person! I hope the books are in good condition. I got them used off Amazon so I didn't see them first, if they are poor quality please let me know and we can exchange them. There should be 5 all together!
Take care and keep in touch.
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