It was two years ago today at 11:08pm, Tim and I brought Mason into this world and completed our family. I remember a post that I made on an Online Mom's board shortly after Mason was born about my experience with his birth and the emotions that came over me - I thought I'd share just the last bit of it with you today but it is in full in Mason's scrapbook so that he can have it when he's older. (I have something similar for Jack too.)
10:45 pm, Dr. Houck made it back to the hospital and walked back into my room looking somewhat surprised and said “Well, I was wrong! Looks like he wants out now.” And the pushing began. I can’t explain the feelings that I was experiencing but everyone is correct in saying that pushing through the pain helps. That was the only thing that made it go away and helped me focus so much on “where” to push. First push………they can see hair! Second push……..Mary is standing down at my feet cheering me on saying “come on Libby, push….push….that’s right!” as Tim is next to me counting 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10. Third push………Mason starts to crown. Fourth push………..his head is out and Dr. Houck starts to suction his mouth and nose and Mary tells us that “he’s a big baby!”. Then they tell me to give them one little push and the next thing I know……….Mason is born………11:08pm! They lay him on my chest and I just can’t believe it. Our long, 23 hours of induction is over. The little 9 month miracle that has been growing and living inside of me is here! Our family is complete. Tim and I are both crying and Mary, my nurse, is asking for the camera to start taking pictures – she said she couldn’t help it. Mason looks at me with his dark eyes and my heart just melts. “Hi, I’m your Mommy!” I say to him and start crying more. “We’ve been waiting to meet you!”
All I can say is that Yes, every labor and delivery is different just as every pregnancy is different. What I experienced in delivering Mason was so different and than delivering Jack. But both of them are experiences that I will NEVER EVER forget. Having children is a miracle and something that none of us should ever take for granted. Babies are angels sent from heaven to enrich our lives. Tim and I have been fortunate to have been blessed twice with two beautiful, healthy boys. The baby we lost will always be watching over us from above. But we look at what we have and cant’ help but smile. Once we thought about not having children but now…………..we can’t imagine our life without them. Not to sound corny or anything but……….Jack and Mason complete us.
To my little boy,
You are very special
and you deserve the best.
I wish you a wonderful life
filled with love and happiness.
I hope others bring you joy,
just as you've brought joy to me,
then you can weather any storm
and be all you want to be.
~ Reatha Crow
Happy Birthday, Mason, we love you very much!
- Mommy, Daddy & Jack

Happy Birthday Mason!!!
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