Up in Michigan where we were, it feels like you are away from everything, it is it's own little cosmos. I lose track of the world when I'm up there. I don't watch the news, I don't read the newspaper - sometimes I don't even remember what day of the week it is. And time......who cares about what time it is (other than the fact that we now have children and have to kind of pay attention to that to keep SOME SORT of semblance of their schedule). The only thing that really helps me keep track of the time is the coming and going of the carferry across the lake and the big giant clock that has sat in the window of the cottage called Blarney Castle as long as I can remember.
It's the ultimate when it comes to vacation - not a care in the world - other than to decide what time to head to the beach and when to call it a day. Now it's back to the real world - back to life and back to reality. A true slap in the face when you've been soaking up this for the past week! Oh well....at least I have it to look forward to next Summer!

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