Jack has really started to show us that he is a soccer star in the making. He looks forward to his soccer practice/game every Saturday and has impressed not only his coach, but Tim and I as well, with his ability and how quickly he's caught on to the game in general.

This past weekend during his game, he even had TWO opportunities to score but unfortunately one ball missed the goal completely and the other hit the goal post {oof}! Talk about disappointing! But being the "Soccer Mom" that I have become, I was there standing on the sidelines cheering my heart out for him and he was beaming with pride.

Little brother on the other hand is happier on the sidelines cheering Jack on as well and is not quite as ready to participate.....maybe next year!

OH my goodness!!!! That is SO CUTE! I am so glad he has taken such a liking to it! GO JACK! Of course, Mason looks adorable on the sidelines, too. ;-)
They are both so adorable!!!
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