2 - I woke up this morning with a scratchy throat and I can tell that it's turning into a cold. ARGH! I CAN'T GET SICK!!! Jack's Birthday party is this Saturday! We're throwing it at our local EMS Station and we're all excited about it. Right now we will have 9 children and about 12 adults there! I don't want to be sick!!! I ran to Walgreens and got some Zicam to start using. Tim and my Mom swear by the stuff, I'm a bit skeptical but I'll try anything this week to NOT get sick.

4 - Today is only TUESDAY! Seems like I've worked a full week already and it's only Tuesday! I have a feeling that it's gonna be a looooong week.
5 - I am getting so anxious for my brother and sister in law. They are PATIENTLY waiting to hear about their approval on the final steps of the adoption process to bring home their precious daughter, Sophie, from Vietnam. We're all hoping that they get their approvals in the next week or so and will be headed overseas the beginning of November and have Sophie home by Thanksgiving. How cool would that be?
6 - My oldest niece, Sarah, turned 17 on Saturday and got her Drivers License yesterday. YIKES! That makes ME feel old as I was there when she was born and feel like it was just yesterday. Sarah, be safe out there!
7 - Look at those smiles

8 - How many more shopping days are there until Christmas? I haven't even THOUGHT about Christmas yet!
9 - I hope tonight goes smoother than last night. The boys were at each others throats about playing with Jack's new toys and it sucked. Mason doesn't quite understand why HE didn't' get presents like Jack did and was very upset about it. Jack would share for a bit and then take them back from Mason which would NOT go over very well.
10 - I still need to go shop for the paper goods for Jack's party and the party favors for his friends. AND order the cake! Guess I better do that soon huh?
Happy Tuesday!
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