As we were driving home from dinner Saturday night we heard this little voice say "Mommy, you made me the happiest birthday boy EVER! When you win a race, I will give you a trophy!" - I swear I wanted to cry because it was totally unsolicited and on his own. Tim will even vouch for me that he said it.

Saturday morning, we had Jack's 4th birthday party at West County EMS Station #1. I had set it up with them back in August and the day was finally here. Jack and Mason were so excited to go to the "Fireman's House" and see the firetrucks. We hosted 7 other children from Jack's class at school as well as the parents that came with them and a few family members who we didn't want to leave out on the celebration. It was WONDERFUL! We even got to see the guys in action as they got a call to head out not 5 minutes into our "tour" with FF Pat Petroff (the kids loved to see the fire engine and ambulance head out with their lights and sirens blaring).

During the time that the guys were out on their call, we filled the time enjoying birthday cake and ice cream. We had SO MUCH LEFT OVER that we left 2/3 of a full sheet cake behind for the guys to enjoy as a "thank you".
After cake and ice cream, and when Pat had returned from his call, we were given a tour of the Station. The kids got to see the TV Room with all of it's comfy recliners, the weight room where the Fire Fighters and Paramedics stay fit and their sleeping quarters. The highlight of the tour was being able to see the Fire Truck and learning all about what's kept on it and how they use all of their equipment to save people and put out the fires. The kids all took turn climbing up and inside the truck and then got to sit up in the drivers seat and get a birds eye view of the world from a FUTURE Fire Fighter's perspective.

At the end of our tour, Battalion Chief Ray White, asked Jack if he wanted to help him drive the truck out of the bay and out front to turn on the lights and sirens, which Jack promptly responded "No!" (what a great time to pull the shy act - huh!). Mason also declined so Jack's best friend Aiden was the lucky one to help Chief White drive the truck out. But then all the kids (minus Jack and Mason who weren't interested) were able to honk the horn on the Fire Truck.

I have to say that Saturday was one of those days that Jack and Mason might not remember as they get older, but that Tim and I definately will. The smile on Jack's face, Mason's wide open eyes and Jack waving of his hands in excitement as he blew out his candles on his cake were something that will be ingrained in my memory FOREVER. That and the comment of "Mommy, You made me the HAPPIEST birthday boy ever!".

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