2 – I’m ALMOST done with my weight loss journey. I have 2.2 lbs that I have to lose to be at my goal weight. I’m tempted to say “I quit” but want to be able to say I did it. I just will have to sew my mouth shut for a week to do it.
3 – We started our Christmas shopping on Saturday night. It was great to get some of it done. Now I have to find those last few things that we need for the boys – a scooter for Mason, stocking stuffer items and a couple of more ideas for Jack. We’ll be sending Santa a “wish list” soon!
4 – My children need haircuts BADLY! I’ve been neglecting their hair and it’s gotten out of hand. They look like Alfalfa in the morning when they wake up – we’re heading to Snip Its tonight after school to get them looking ship shape again.
5 – Can you believe that Christmas is only 36 days away? Tim came home and said that a good friend already has her house bedecked for the Holidays (yes, you know who you are…. you are one of my readers!) I am not NEARLY as organized as she is! But it’s not even Thanksgiving yet!!!
6 - Tim made some headway on the remodel project over the weekend. Drywall is starting to make the room look like something as opposed to a giant empty space. One small step forward…..

7 – They just can't sit still for a picture for long!

8 – Sophie come home soon! Hang in there Hank & Tricia!!!
9 – I just have to share this picture because I think he’s just the cutest pumpkin out there. It’s a bit beyond the season but I just got it from my sister last week. My youngest nephew on Halloween! He’s a JACK O’Lantern!

10 – Have a great day - thanks for reading my 10 on Tuesday!
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