I've been trying to give Tim time on the weekends for the past month to get some stuff done during the day and he's made some great progress. Drywall is up and this weekend, we had someone come in and tape and mud!!! As messy as this process is, it's a welcomed mess in my eyes! I'll take it any day - if it means forward progress....bring it on.
So here it is.......drywall is taped and has it's second coat of mud on it. Hopefully this weekend, Tim will be able to prime and paint the walls. Then come the floors and then the cabinets, appliances, granite and lighting!!! Maybe, just maybe, by the beginning of 2009 I can say I have a BRAND NEW KITCHEN!!! Woo Hoo!
It's going to be so awesome when it's done!!!

Progress :-)Looks nice Lib
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