Twice in the past 24 hours he has voluntarily gone into the bathroom and tinkled on his own.....that's a good sign!
So we're going to go cold turkey this weekend and just doing it! We've got PLENTY of Big Boy Underwear in all sorts of cool characters - the latest additions to our supply are The Hulk and Power Rangers, we've got a jar of skittles as incentive and I've been stockpiling my patience for the past couple of days.
Keep your fingers crossed that things go well........

We all know who is in charge and it is a "little person".......not the best of circumstances.
Just relax and then Mason will not think it is such a big deal - he obviously knows what switch to flip.....
The "Little people" do not need to be in control eventhough it tests the patience.
Hi Libby, I know Mason is ready too. He will do fine. I am so excited for him. He is such a big boy and very independent.
I miss your boys.
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