Last night, we moved into a new age of technology in our house as we had our first video call on SKYPE and it was so cool! For Mother's Day, I asked for a web cam so that I could get in on the world of Skype that my Mom, Dad & Step Mother, and Brother & Sister-in-law have all been a part of for about 5-6 months now.
I installed my camera on Sunday and with a little trouble....after about 10 attempts to install Skype, finally got logged on on Monday morning.
Last night was our first call.....with my Mom and I have to say that it was pretty neat. For the boys to be able to SEE her and talk to her at the same time....awesome. It was hilarous to see my Mom getting up from her desk to go get one of her cats to show him/her to the boys! They met Millie and Bud. Mason kept on saying "Go get another Kitty!". We talked to Big Top and Mom gave the boys a little web-cam tour of her kitchen and TV/Sitting Room!
Thanks Mom for being our innaugural Skype call. And for those of you in my family who we have yet to Skype with - we're looking forward to "seeing" you.

Isn't it great!!! It's one of thebest ways to keep in contact with people, especially from so far away! Welcome to Skyping!
I loved every short, but sweet second of seeing all the faces at your house.
Miss you all, but Skype does help me not being so lonesome for you all.
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