Saturday morning, I took the boys to the Whittle Train Shop in Valley Park, MO for the 2nd birthday party of my friend Amber's son Luca! We LOVE the Whittle Train Shop, they have a HUGE wooden train table that the kids can play on so of course the boys love it there. We had an awesome ice cream cake @ 10:30am WOO HOO FOR SUGAR (I want the recipe Amber) and lots of time to play. And.....we even had a real train go by on the tracks while we were upstairs partying - that was a hit.
Saturday afternoon/evening we celebrated Cinco De Mayo with one of Jack's former classmates from KinderCare. Her parents put on a wonderful "family" oriented party with constant games for the kids and lots of food and drink for the adults. There even was a bouncy bounce this year which at first Jack and Mason weren't quite sure of but eventually we couldn't get them out of it.
Of course we left the last party with the boys IN TEARS because they were having so much fun and headed home dead tired from the rush of activity that we had in one day.
Sunday.............well it was pretty much our run of the mill Sunday - nothing fancy or special. Daddy was a bit under the weather but nothing that we couldn't handle.
Pictures are still on the memory card of my camera and I promise that I will upload them tonight and get them onto my blog so you can see what fun we had on our Party-palooza weekend!

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