Friday, July 31, 2009

im - ag - i - na - tion

- noun [i-maj-uh-ney-shuh n]

1.the faculty of imagining, or of forming mental images or concepts of what is not actually present to the senses.


I love the imagination that my boys have. When they are getting along, they can entertain themselves for stretches at a time pretending to animals, pretending they are building a fort or just bring their toys to life. Jack has gotten to the age that he now has imaginary friends. They do not come to visit or talk to him but HE talks very frankly about them and very descriptively.

Tuesday night, I sat with him while he was drawing, and asked him about his friends to learn more about them and the world that he has created for them in his imagination.

The first one that he told me about awhile ago, is named Jessie. She lives in space and is 23 years old (where he got that age, I have NO CLUE!). She is blue, green and red and has RAINBOW colored hair. Then there is Matt. Matt also lives in space. His age, I am not sure of yet, but like Jessie, he has rainbow colored hair that is spiky. The last of his friends is Ferry and she's the "littelest" of his friends and like the other two, lives in space and has rainbow hair.

They drive cars in his pictures and play together. They are his friends and he's very fond of them. They don't get into trouble that often because they are good listeners and use their manners.

I am going ask Jack to draw a picture of Jessie, Matt, and Ferry for me so that I can "see" what they look like. I'm sure that he'll come up with an amazing picture for me when he does.


Thursday, July 30, 2009

Strike n' Spare

Another trip to the bowling alley this past weekend. We have July and August left to get in our FREE games so we took advantage of it again. The boys are getting really good and catching on. Jack got a SPARE! Mommy even bowled this time!


Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Wordless Wednesday

High Voltage Exploration


Tuesday, July 28, 2009

In, Up, Fixed, Out

"No Tires! Just Gas!" a very familiar phrase that is known in our house due to the Disney Pixar movie CARS! Saturday the boys and I spent a couple of hours at the Magic House in Kirkwood, MO. A hands on, use your imagination, children's museum, the Magic House gives children the opportunity to play and explore in a number of different hands-on areas.

One of our favorites was the auto mechanic shop. Fully equipped with tools and realistic sound, children could change a tire, work on the underside of the car, even change the air filter and antifreeze in the engine. Jack and Mason were in HEAVEN! What little boy wouldn't be? And the best part.....NO DIRT!!!


Sunday, July 26, 2009

Friendly Reminder

One thing that I am not fond of is cleaning toilets (or bathrooms for that matter) so the fact that I live in a house with THREE males makes that task that much less appealing. And then add two YOUNG boys who don't have the best of aim to the mix (well.....Tim doesn't always have the best aim either but we have our own bathroom) and I'm just lovin' their bathroom {I say that in a VERY sarcastic voice}.

Thanks to decalmonograms on etsy, I found this cute "friendly reminder" that I put up in the boys bathroom today. What do you think? It may help, it may not!

Wipe (for them.....the rim), Flush and Wash!


Friday, July 24, 2009


I love the bright colors that my camera captures! I wish that I was a better photographer, but every once in a while I take a picture that I just look at and say "Now that's a good one!" to myself.

Took this one at the park the other night. Tim had a softball game, so the boys and I tagged along for some play-time - the weather was beautiful....we couldn't stay home. After a picnic dinner from subway, we headed to the playground to play and then went to watch Daddy swing the bat for a bit.

Don't you just love the happy smile on Mason's face? That and his "faux-hawk" that he loves to sport now and then?

My boys make my life colorful!


Little Kitchen Helper

Mason LOVES to help in the kitchen. There isn't a night that goes by that he's not helping me cook dinner or just watching. He loves our new sink and the faucet. Playing in the water and pretending to wash the dishes is something that he's doing more and more. Pretty soon he's going to take over Tim's nightly job of cleaning up after dinner.


Thursday, July 23, 2009

Brotherly Love

They're brothers.......they do get along rather well at times! But it's these kinds of moments that I like to remember when they're fighting like a pair of cats and making Tim and I pull our hair out!


Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Can You Help?

On August 29, 2009, there is an event that is being held for a very special little boy. I blogged about him HERE. While I won't be able to travel to Michigan to participate in the event, I'm doing what I can from afar to help my friends in any way possible.

All donations that are made will go directly to the University of Michigan Congenital Heart Center. They will be earmarked in Jack's name for research. If you are interested in making a donation, all checks should be made payable to Michigan Congenital Heart Center and have 'Jack Carlson/research' written in the memo line. You can feel free to mail them to me (for those of you that have my address)and I will forward them on or can be sent directly to Mort Hirshman -- 311 Gralake -- Ann Arbor MI 48103.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me and I will be happy to get an answer for you. Check out the website for the golf event at

Jack was a truly special little boy. Although his time on Earth was short, he made a HUGE impact on a number of people and continues to touch lives even from Heaven.


Flat Family

We're a rather "Flat Family" but a beautiful family at that!


Monday, July 20, 2009

Nothing Fancy

We had a pretty mild mannered weekend, which was nice. Nothing fancy, nothing too crazy. Friends over for pizza Friday night. Birthday party on Saturday and hit one of our favorite parks yesterday afternoon for some play time. And really just enjoying the AMAZING weather that we're having here in St. Louis right now.

Here's a few snapshots from our weekend (more to come later this week)! Enjoy!
