One thing that I am not fond of is cleaning toilets (or bathrooms for that matter) so the fact that I live in a house with THREE males makes that task that much less appealing. And then add two YOUNG boys who don't have the best of aim to the mix (well.....Tim doesn't always have the best aim either but we have our own bathroom) and I'm just lovin' their bathroom {I say that in a VERY sarcastic voice}.
Thanks to decalmonograms on etsy, I found this cute "friendly reminder" that I put up in the boys bathroom today. What do you think? It may help, it may not!
Wipe (for them.....the rim), Flush and Wash!

It turned out adorable!
Cute...........now if it only works! BTW, I have read that tooth brushes are to be kept as far away from the toilet as possibly due to the fact that toothbrushes are one of the biggest germ carriers around.
Just a little comment from you know who :)
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