All donations that are made will go directly to the University of Michigan Congenital Heart Center. They will be earmarked in Jack's name for research. If you are interested in making a donation, all checks should be made payable to Michigan Congenital Heart Center and have 'Jack Carlson/research' written in the memo line. You can feel free to mail them to me (for those of you that have my address)and I will forward them on or can be sent directly to Mort Hirshman -- 311 Gralake -- Ann Arbor MI 48103.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me and I will be happy to get an answer for you. Check out the website for the golf event at
Jack was a truly special little boy. Although his time on Earth was short, he made a HUGE impact on a number of people and continues to touch lives even from Heaven.

Thank you for caring so much and for posting this. Perhaps someday we can wipe out what took Jack's precious and valuable life! You are a wonderful friend and I appreciate you spreading the word.
Amy, Brad, Jack's loving spirit and Noah
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