Every once in a while a story from the blogging world touches me to the point that my heart hurts for the parents who are going through such a traumatic experience with their child.
5 year old Kate was diagnosed with a brain tumor about 2 weeks ago. Taken into the Dr by her Mom for a slight hand tremor, a CT revealed a large tumor on her basal ganglia portion of her brain that was determined to be malignant and very aggressive. She has since undergone surgery that was able to remove only 50% of the tumor and now she has a long road of chemo and other treatments as the Dr's try to help this precious little girl and her family down the path of uncertainty that lay ahead.
Please pray for Kate! Her parents have all the faith in the world that she is safely in Gods hands and that the power of prayer will carry them through.
To follow Kate and receive updates check out her Caringbridge site HERE

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