We arrived at the office of Dr. Kevin Postol and were, as always, warmly greeted by Robin and Jessica - two of Dr. Postol's staff. Mason and I took a few minutes to admire the beautiful saltwater fish in the HUGE tank that Dr. Postol has and then we headed back to the room for my cleaning.

Mason literally sat IN MY LAP in the chair while Jessica cleaned my teeth. He was quiet and
When Jessica was finished, Mason helped pick out my tooth brush and tooth paste and then we told him it was his turn to sit in the chair. The look I got was one of complete dread and like he was saying "Please Mom! Please don't make me do this!" with his eyes.

After lots of talking about the different things in a Dentist office and what Jessica was going to do, she was able to get Mason to allow her to count his teeth! Which he very willingly opened his mouth for. After he was done, he proudly said "I have 20 teeth, Mom!". He chose bubble gum toothpaste and allowed Jessica to show him what the toothbrush felt like on his finger but when it came time for the actual CLEANING of his teeth - he said "Nope!" and was done.

All in all, not a bad visit for his first time. We'll try again in 6 months and see if he can get further than this. It took Jack a year and a half before he was comfortable at Dr. Postols office and allowed them to clean his teeth. Before that he'd clamp his jaw shut and wouldn't budge for anything.
Thanks Dr. Postol, Robin, & Jessica for a great FIRST visit! We'll see you again in 6 months!

I don't think it's a chain but there maybe studios in your area that are similar. This place was called Cathy's Paint Your Own.
Very cute and I am impressed that you got such great photos. Jack had to go to the dentist 2 x before he was 3 and he was terrified. What brave boys you have. I love this story, your blog is so much fun to read.
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