One thing that I have found so amazing about the internet and the blogging world, is the way that with the click of a link or a button, you can be connected to a life that you never even knew existed. You are given insight into the world of a complete stranger - some of them celebrating lifes miracles, some of them celebrating lifes losses and some of them just blogging as an outlet to express themselves. World can spread quicker than wildfire and ideas become causes and movements that spread from one computer to another.
Through the many blogs that I have become a regular follower to, I was introduced to The McClenahans and sweet Cora Paige. Cora was a beautiful little girl from Kansas, who at 10 months of age was diagnosed with a Stage 4 Neuroblastoma. 3 weeks after her diagnosis her parents were mourning her loss. Their story is heartbreaking and I can not for the life of me fathom the pain and suffering that they are going through.
But the blogsphere is a powerful community and because of the generosity and amazing "bonds" that are created a project called The Cora Project has begun to help her parents raise money to construct a playground in her memory. It is a movement of love.
The Cora Project is a group of 150 etsy.com sellers who have joined together and are donating the proceeds from the sale of certain items to the effort. You can read more about the etsy project here and follow links to purchase something.
Through the many blogs that I have become a regular follower to, I was introduced to The McClenahans and sweet Cora Paige. Cora was a beautiful little girl from Kansas, who at 10 months of age was diagnosed with a Stage 4 Neuroblastoma. 3 weeks after her diagnosis her parents were mourning her loss. Their story is heartbreaking and I can not for the life of me fathom the pain and suffering that they are going through.
But the blogsphere is a powerful community and because of the generosity and amazing "bonds" that are created a project called The Cora Project has begun to help her parents raise money to construct a playground in her memory. It is a movement of love.
The Cora Project is a group of 150 etsy.com sellers who have joined together and are donating the proceeds from the sale of certain items to the effort. You can read more about the etsy project here and follow links to purchase something.
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