Hi, my name is Libby! Welcome to my blog and my life. I am the Mom of two beautiful boys, Jack and Mason. My wonderful husband, best friend, and love of my life, Tim and I have been together since 1992 and were married on Aug. 31, 2002 (6 days after our 10th anniversary together). We welcomed our first son on October 20, 2004 and our second on April 20. 2006 (they are exactly 18 months apart to the hour!) I hope you enjoy reading about the goings on in my life! Cheers! -LIBBY
Jack's picture of a tent in the woods under the night sky with a full moon and stars. There is a camp fire, a lake and some rocks. Not too shabby for a 4 1/2 year old is it?!?!?
I taught kindergartners for many, many years. Trust me when I say that is GREAT!! Greater detail=great intelligence
I am truly impressed with my 2nd oldest grandson! Wow.....how could my artistic talents be passed on to Jack?????
Wonderful and impressive!
This is an Awesome picture!!! His drawing skills have so improved from when he was a 2 year old in my room. I am very impressed by his detail.
Great work Jack!!!
Ms. Jeanne
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