I thought that I was doing well to control the amount of candy that they got in their baskets by getting them NON-EDIBLE stuff but didn't think about how much candy they would get if I stuffed 20 plastic eggs for each of them to find on Sunday morning (Duh!!!). But that's what Easter's all about....right? Anyway, here are a few pics of our weekend and a few videos as well.

This is our neighborhood Easter Egg Hunt. They divide the kids into groups and literally spread about 1200 eggs out in a 15x15 area and let the kids go at it. Mason and Jack were in the 2 1/2 to Kindergarden age group and it was a bit overwhelming for them. It was like mayhem when they said "Go" and out of the 11 eggs that each of the boys were SUPPOSED TO GET they only were able to pick up about 5 each before they were all gone. Talk about disappointment....but that's okay, they put candy in the eggs that Mommy and Daddy aren't to crazy about!
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Then it was time for OUR OWN Easter Egg Hunt on Sunday morning. The Easter Bunny was a bit generous and left about 40 eggs for the boys to get. Thanks EB!!
Please note Jack running by the oh.....10 or so eggs on the ground asking "Do you see any more?" Tim and I got a kick out of that!
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What a fun Easter!
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